Baffling influences on Group Decisions

Baffling influences on Group Decisions

* Good intentions need the complement of robust team processes for effective teamwork * “I had chosen this organisation because of its well known work ethic. But if this is how current recruitment is happening then I will have to seriously think about staying on!”...
Summertime Showers & Fruits of Labour

Summertime Showers & Fruits of Labour

* “Normally it flourishes well in regions with high temperatures” * Summertime brings with it showers of gifts. And no I’m not talking of the pleasures of summer in North America or the UK or other European countries. I’m talking of… India! And...
Squirrels and Circles

Squirrels and Circles

* Being authentic and helpful is influence enough * There are those rare moments when you discover things for yourself and which then stay with you forever. I am talking of small, even insignificant things, nothing original or earth shattering. Just those moments when...

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